
The Exception Mechanism


When program execution ends with an error, the runtime error is so severe that an exception is thrown. For example, a program might call a method with a null reference and throw a NullPointerException, or the program might try to refer to an element outside an array and result in an IndexOutOfBoundsException, and so on. Some exceptions we have to always prepare for, such as errors when reading from a file or errors related to problems with a network connection. On the other hand, we do not have to prepare for runtime exceptions, such as the NullPointerException, beforehand. Java will always let you know if your code has a statement or an expression which can throw an error you have to prepare for. If you do not handle those types of error properly in your program, your program will not compile. Java has special features incorporated into the language that can pass control to a handler, from the point a runtime error was detected.

The Exception Mechanism

In Java, the exception mechanism provides a flexible mechanism for passing control from the point of error detection to a handler that can deal with the error. In the following paragraphs, we will cover throwing and catching exceptions.

Throwing exceptions

When something goes wrong or unexpected happens while the program is running, it typically makes no sense to continue running the code in the regular fashion. In Java, you can raise an exception, which will break the normal control flow. Raising an exception means that the execution of the current method is stopped, and that we return to the calling method with an exception status. There are two options in the calling method: it can either handle the exception, or it will pass on the exception to the method that called it. When an exception is raised, and none of the calling methods handle it, the execution will stop and the program will terminate with an error.

You can raise an exception with the throw keyword, which behaves very similar to the return keyword, the difference being that it ignores the return type of the method, but raises an exception. It is a good idea to indicate what types of exception may be raised by throw statements in a method. This can be indicated in the method header using the throws keyword.

Here is an example of a method that uses the throw keyword to raise an exception if not enough money is on a bank account. The exception type used is an IllegalArgumentException:

public void withdrawMoney(int amount) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (amount > balance) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Balance too low");
   balance -= amount;

In the example above, a new exception object is constructed, and then it's thrown. Most exception objects can be constructed with an error message, like this one. Also note that you don't need an 'else' because the exception will stop the method, like a return statement does, in case the if-statement is met.

Let consider some more examples of exceptions. For example, an UnsupportedOperationException can be raised using the statement throw new UnsupportedOperationException(). The following code always throws an exception.

public class Program {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Program throws an exception
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

We can also add an error message to the Exception, so the person who runs the programs get a bit more information of what is wrong:

public class Program {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String msg = "I was too lazy to implement this program"
        // Program throws an exception
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);

Now let's use this in a class Grade. It gets a integer representing a grade as a constructor parameter.

public class Grade {
    private int grade;

    public Grade(int grade) {
        this.grade = grade;

    public int getGrade() {
        return this.grade;

We want that the grade fills certain criteria. The grade has to be an integer between 0 and 5. If it is something else, we want to throw an exception. Let's add a conditional statement to the constructor, which checks if the grade fills the criteria. If it does not, we throw the IllegalArgumentException and provide a helpful message with throw new IllegalArgumentException("Grade must be between 0 and 5.");.

public class Grade {
    private int grade;

    public Grade(int grade) {
        if (grade < 0 || grade > 5) {
            String msg = "Grade must be between 0 and 5.";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        this.grade = grade;

    public int getGrade() {
        return this.grade;
Grade grade = new Grade(3);

Grade illegalGrade = new Grade(22);
// exception happens, execution will not continue from here
Sample output


Exception in thread "..." java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Grade must be between 0 and 5.

Exception Handling: try - catch

While it is of course helpful that raising an exception makes a user aware that something went wrong, we may also consider to try and resolve such situations within our program. This is called handling an exception. We can use a try {} catch (Exception e) {} block structure to handle exceptions. The keyword try starts a block containing the code which might throw an exception. The block starting with the keyword catch defines what happens if an exception is thrown within the try block. We use the keyword catch, because causing an exception is referred to as throwing an exception. The keyword catch is followed by the type of the exception handled by that block, for example:

boolean ask = true;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
while(ask) {
   try {
      System.out.println("Please enter the amount to withdraw.");
      String line = scan.nextLine();
      int amount = Integer.parseInt(line);
      ask = false;
   catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      System.out.println("Input was not a valid number. Please try again.");
   catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      System.out.println("Amount exceeds balance of " + balance + ". Please try again.");
System.out.println("Balance is now: " + balance);

A possible interaction (with input displayed in red) could look as follows:

Sample output

Please enter the amount to withdraw.


Input was not a valid number. Please try again.


Amount exceeds balance of 50. Please try again.


Balance is now: 30

In the code above, two catch blocks appear. We place more specific exceptions before more general ones. You can also choose to catch all exceptions at once with the general statement catch (Exception e). Although this seems very convenient, you are obliged to be as specific as possible in declaring catch statements. Thus, you should not use anything like Exception e, but rather somethin like an IllegalArgumentException.

Here is an example in which we look at the situation of parsing strings to integers. The method throws a NumberFormatException if the string it has been given cannot be parsed into an integer.

Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Give a number: ");
int readNumber = -1;

try {
    readNumber = Integer.parseInt(reader.nextLine());
    System.out.println("Good job!");
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("User input was not a number.");
Sample output

Give a number: 5

Good job!

Sample output

Give a number: no!

User input was not a number.

The code in the catch block is executed immediately if the code in the try block throws an exception. This can be seen from the above example, because the print statement below the line calling the Integer.parseInt method in the try block was executed if and only if no exception was thrown. The user input, in this case the string no!, is given to the Integer.parseInt method as a parameter. The method throws an error if the string cannot be parsed into an integer. Note, that the code within the catch block is executed only if an exception is thrown.

Try - with resources

There is separate exception handling for reading operating system resources such as files. Certain resources, such as files and network connections, need to be closed when we are finished with them. Traditionally, the finally clause was very useful for this, but since Java 7 we can use Try - with resources by declaring resources that need to be closed immediately after try. Simply put, to be auto-closed, a resource has to be both declared and initialized inside the try. With so called try-with-resources exception handling, the resource to be opened is added to a non-compulsory part of the try block declaration in brackets. Here is an example:

ArrayList<String> lines =  new ArrayList<>();

public void readFile(File f) throws FileNotFoundException {
   try (Scanner scan = new Scanner(f)) {
     while (scan.hasNext()) {

In the above example, the Scanner resource is declared in the parentheses directly after try statement. Now the resource is automatically closed when block exits, no matter the reason. If the resources are not closed, the operating system sees them as being in use until the program is closed. In the example no catch block is required, since the FileNotFoundException is thrown by the method. However, it is possible to use a catch block together with a try-with-resources. In that case, the try statements has two meanigs: it is used to manage resources and it is used to perform exception handling.

Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

Methods and constructors can throw exceptions. There are roughly two categories of exceptions. The first category is types of exceptions that may be caught, such as the IllegalArgumentException, the IllegalStateException, and the NumberFormatException. Other types of exceptions must be caught or declared in the method header using throws. These are called checked exceptions, such as the IOException and the FileNotFoundException. Some problems are so severe that they will stop your program if they occur. These are called Error instead of Exception, such as the OutOfMemoryError and StackOverflowError.

When unchecked exception can occur in your program, your program will compile without problems and when something goes wrong, the error will typically not be handled and your program stops displaying an exception. With checked exceptions, we have to make sure that their are either handled using a try-catch, or delegate the responsibility to handle them using a throws keyword in the method header.

Parsing a number can throw an exception — for example, the input might not be numeric at all or the variable type is not right. This kind of exception may be handled. We handle the exception by wrapping the code into a try-catch block. In this example, we do not really care about the exception, but we do print a message to the user about it.

public int readNumber(){
    try {
        System.out.println("Please enter the amount to withdraw");
        String line = s.nextLine();
        int amount = Integer.parseInt(line);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    return amount;

A programmer can also leave the exception unhandled and shift the responsibility for handling it to whomever calls the method. We can shift the responsibility of handling an exception forward by throwing the exception out of a method, and adding notice of this to the declaration of the method. This means that between the open and close parentheses that hold the arguments, and before the { symbol that indicates the start of the block with the implementation of the method, we write throws ExceptionType where ExceptionType is the type of the Exception that can be thrown. To indicate multiple different exception types can be thrown, they are separated by comma's. And example where we indicate that a method may throw a FileNotFoundException is written as follows.

public int readFile() throws FileNotFoundException {
    String fileName = "myFile.docx";
    Scanner in = new Scanner(New File(fileName));
    String input = in.next();
    int value = Integer.parseInt(input);

The throws clause signals the caller of your method that it may encounter a FileNotFoundException. Then the caller needs to make the decision whether to handle the exception, or declare that the exception may be thrown. Note that you must specify all checked exceptions that a method may throw. This means either checked exceptions that are directly thrown with the throw keyword, or any unhandled checked exceptions that may be thrown by other methods called inside the method.

Sometimes the responsibility of handling exceptions is avoided until the end, and even the main method can throw an exception to the caller:

public class MainProgram {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
       // ...

This indicates that an Exception can be thrown by the main method, and thus that the executing of the program may stop due to an exception. This is generally not adviced if you intend to create robust, user friendly software, but it can be very handy when you create a quick prototype or code for computational experiments.

Accesing Details of an Exception

A catch block defines which exception to prepare for with catch (Exception e). Here, e is a variable name often used in this context, although we can also choose a different name such as ex. Java would not be a proper object-oriented language if the exceptions were not objects as well. Thus, the variable e in the example holds a reference to an object from which we can extract information.

try {
    // program code which might throw an exception
} catch (Exception e) {
    // details of the exception are stored in the variable e

The Exception class has some useful methods. For example, we can use getMessage() to obtain the error message that is part of the Exception object. Another example we saw is the printStackTrace() prints the stack trace, which shows from where we ended up with this exception. Below is a stack trace printed by the printStackTrace() method.

Sample output

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at package.Class.print(Class.java:43) at package.Class.main(Class.java:29)

We read a stack trace from the bottom up. At the bottom is the first call, so the execution of the program has begun from the main() method of the Class class. Line 29 of the main method of the Class class calls the print() method. Line 43 of the print method has thrown a NullPointerException exception. The details of an exception are very useful when trying to pinpoint where an error happens.

Design principles

Exceptions are meant to deal with exceptional situations. They should thus not be used for regular control flow! Throwing and handling exceptions is not optimized, as language designers assume they don't occur very often.

You should throw early, catch late. It means that you should check the input of a method before you start doing computations. If the input is not okay, throw an exception. If an exception can occur within a method that is not able to provide a good solution to the problem, the exception should be thrown to the caller.


Test your knowledge

In this quiz, you can test your knowledge on the subjects covered in this chapter.

What is an exception used for?

Does the general statement catch (Exception e) always work when catching an exception? If so, is it desirable to do this? If it does not always work, what do we do when the general statement does not work?

What will happen in case an exception occurs in the code below?

 try {
catch (Exception e) {

An IllegalArgumentException is an unchecked exception, while a FileNotFoundException is a checked exception. Suppose a colleague has created two methods with the following signatures:

public List<Student> readStudentData(File input)
                throws FileNotFoundException {
    // Code from your colleague here
public List<Student> findStudentsOfYear(List<Student> students, int year)
                throws IllegalArgumentException {
    // Code from your colleague here

Now you want to create a method readStudentDataOfYear that accepts a file and a year, and reads the data from the file and returns only the relevant students. For the following alternative implementations, determine if they will compile or not. Which alternative would be preferred?

Fragment 1

public List<Student> readStudentDataOfYear(File input, int year) {
    return findStudentsOfYear(readStudentData(input), year);

Fragment 2

public List<Student> readStudentDataOfYear(File input, int year) {
    try {
        List<Student> data = readStudentData(input);
        return findStudentsOfYear(data, year);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        return new ArrayList<>();

Fragment 3

public List<Student> readStudentDataOfYear(File input, int year) {
    try {
        List<Student> data = readStudentData(input);
        return findStudentsOfYear(data, year);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        return new ArrayList<>();

Fragment 4

public List<Student> readStudentDataOfYear(File input, int year)
        throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException {
    return findStudentsOfYear(readStudentData(input), year);

Fragment 5

public List<Student> readStudentDataOfYear(File input, int year) throws FileNotFoundException {
    return findStudentsOfYear(readStudentData(input), year);
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