
Functional Interfaces

Functional Interfaces

The Comparator type is a bit different from many of the types we are familiar with in Java, such as String, ArrayList or Integer. The main difference is that most of the common types hold data, while most Comparator objects only define the implementation of a method. In particular, a Comparator object should not have a state that changes over time, as the contract of the compare method typically dictates that the order of the objects must remain consistent.

The idea that a type, such as Comparator can represent a method rather than data, has proven to be quite powerful: we do not need to implement a sorting algorithm for every type we introduce, and we do not need to adapt complex sorting code when we want to define a new ad-hoc order for our objects. In Java, the Collections.sort method accepts not only data, but also a function that can be called to determine if two objects are in the correct order or not.

In the programming paradigm called functional programming, it is a common idea to have one function, for example Collections.sort, have another function as input, for example a compare method. In the terminology of functional programming, a function that accepts another function as part of its input is called a higher order function. While it has always been possible in Java to write such higher order functions (the Comparator interface is much older than Java 8), it typically required the use of anonymous classes and Java programmers often preferred the straightforward way to keep their code more readable and understandable.


With the introduction of Java 8, the creators of the language added a number of new built-in interfaces that are meant to be used by such higher order functions, representing certain patterns that occur frequently in Java programs. One such interface is the Consumer<T> interface, which represents a function that does something with an argument of type T, but returns nothing. The single unimplemented method of this interface is defined as follows: public void accept(T t);.

Arguably, the most commonly used method in Java that accepts a single argument and returns nothing is the System.out.println method. We will now rewrite a traditional method that prints the names of all courses to use this interface.

public static void printCourseNames(List<Course> courses) {
    for (Course c : courses) {

The creators of Java 8 added a new method to the Iterable interface called forEach. Since all Collections are a subtype of Iterable, and List and Set are both subtypes of Collection, this method can also be used on List and Set objects. The forEach method is defined as follows: public void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action);.

Notice that the expression System.out.println(c.getCourseName()) depends on a single variable c and returns nothing. We can use a lambda expression to turn this expression into a Consumer<Course>, like this: Consumer<Course> printer = c -> System.out.println(c.getCourseName());

Furthermore, we can use the lambda expression as a direct argument to the forEach method:

public static void printCourseNames(List<Course> courses) {
    courses.forEach(c -> System.out.println(c.getCourseName()));


When we think about the implementation of our Comparator<Course>, we typically extract a property from two Course objects that can be compared, and return an answer based on the result of that comparison. This is a very common pattern in Comparator implementations, and we can think about it differently: we want to transform two Course objects into two objects that have a natural order, and then use that natural order to determine our result.

In Java 8, there is a functional interface that can be used to represent a transformation called Function. It is defined as follows:

public Function<T,R> {
    public R apply(T arg);

Furthermore, the interface Comparator defines a new static utility method that accepts a function, which has the following simplified signature: public static <T> Comparator<T> comparing(Function<T,Comparable> keyExtractor);.

This can be interpreted as follows: given a Function object that is able to transform an object of type T into an object that implements a natural order via the Comparable interface, we obtain a Comparator which defines an ad-hoc order. This may sound daunting, but if we look at an actual example of how we can use it, it is not that bad: Comparator<Course> comp = Comparator.comparing(c -> c.getTeacher());.

The Comparator<Course> we obtain in this example will extract the teacher from two Course objects it needs to compare, and determine the order of the course objects based on their respective teachers.

The above is an example of declarative programming: rather than writing code that describes how the result of the comparison must be computed, we only describe what value should be used in the comparison. This often makes the code easier to understand, since you do not need to understand the computations that are going on, but can focus on the logic and meaning of your program.


A common task in data analysis is counting how often something occurs. A Map is very useful for this kind of task, as we can use a Map<String,Integer> to hold the number of occurrences for every word, category, sentence, keyword etcetera we encounter. This can be achieved with the following code:

public static Map<String,Integer> countOccurences(List<String> words)
    Map<String,Integer> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (String word : words) {
        if (result.containsKey(word)) {
            int oldValue = result.get(word);
            result.put(word, 1 + oldValue);
        else {
            result.put(word, 1);
    return result;

While this method is extremely helpful, the if-else represents two options that we commonly need to consider when we work with maps: what to do when a certain key is present, and what to do when the key is not present yet. In Java, the method merge was added to the Map interface. A simplified version of the signature of this method is: public V merge(K key, V value, BinaryOperator<T> remappingFunction);, where the BinaryOperator interface is defined as:

    public BinaryOperator<T>
        public T apply(T left, T right);

A BinaryOperator is a function that combines two things of type T and produces another value of type T. Common examples of binary operators in mathematics are: +, −, × and ÷. For example, the result of adding two numbers together is a new number.

The merge method in the Map interface allows us to define a new value that should be inserted into the map for a given key in case the map does not hold a value for that key yet. If the map does hold a value for that key, the old value and the new value are combined using the BinaryOperator, and the result is stored for that key instead. Note how these two options correspond to the two cases of the if-else in our countOccurences method. Indeed, we can avoid the use of the if-else using the merge method of map as follows:

public static Map<String,Integer> countOccurences(List<String> words) {
    Map<String,Integer> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (String word : words) {
        result.merge(word, 1, (i,j) -> i+j);
    return result;

Notice how short our method has become! At first, the second argument of the merge method may look a little cryptic, but it is just one way in which we can produce a BinaryOperator object that represents the mathematical + symbol. The statement result.merge(word, 1, (i,j) -> i+j) can be read as follows: store a 1 as the value for the key word if that key does not occur in the map, otherwise combine 1 with the current value in the map using the + operator and store the result as the new value for key word.

Other functional interfaces

The functional interfaces Consumer, Function and BinaryOperator are just three examples of the new functional interfaces that are included since Java 8. For many common patterns and tasks, a functional interface was defined. The next table contains the most important functional interfaces:

Common functional interfaces in Java

Comparator<T>(T o1, T o2)intDefine an order on T’s
BinaryOperator<T>(T left, T right)TCombine two T’s into one T.
Consumer<T>(T arg)voidDo something with argument
BiConsumer<T,U>(T arg1, U arg2)voidDo something with the arguments
Function<T,R>(T arg)RTransform a T into an R
BiFunction<T,U,R>(T arg1, U arg2)RTransform a T and U into an R
Predicate<T>(T arg)booleanCheck if a T has a property
Supplier<T>()TProduces object of type T
UnaryOperator<T>(T arg)TTransforms a T to a T
Runnable()voidExecute a task

All newly added functional interfaces are defined in the java package java.util.function. The package contains a large number of additional functional interfaces that are typically variants of the interfaces in the table above, focused on primitive types. For example: a predicate that accepts an int is an IntPredicate, or a function that converts something to a double is a DoubleFunction. At the bottom of this page, you can find a table with the definitions of some of these additional interfaces.


Test your knowledge

In this quiz, you can test your knowledge on the subjects covered in this chapter.

In your code, you want to choose a type for an object that can do one of the following tasks. Determine which functional type would be most suitable. State the full type, including generics.

So for example, the answer for an object to determine the order of two students of type Student would be Comparator<Student>.

  1. Check if a student of type Student has enrolled before the year 2019
  2. Use a trained regression model of type Model to make a prediction for a new observation of type Observation and print the result to the screen
  3. Use a trained regression model of type Model to make a prediction for a new observation of type Observation and obtain a prediction of type Prediction
  4. Multiply two square matrices of type SquareMatrix
  5. Transposing a square matrix of type SquareMatrix
  6. Determining the determinant of a square matrix of type SquareMatrix as a Double value
  7. Send the message in an EmailMessage object to a friend
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