Streams: Terminal Operations
Terminal Operations
After constructing a Stream
object from a data source and zero or more intermediate operations, a terminal operation starts up the actual flow of objects through the pipeline and processes them into a final result.
The Stream API is rather flexible in what this final result can be: you can feed all objects that are emitted from the stream to a Consumer
such as System.out::print
, check if some condition holds, obtain the first object that is emitted from the stream, collect all objects that come out into a Collection
type, or combine all emitted objects into an aggregate result such as a mean, sum, minimum or maximum value.
The previous table contains an overview of some of the terminal operations that are available in the Stream
interface. Note that terminal operations can be recognized from the fact that they return something that is not of type Stream
. By ending the pipeline, we obtain a different kind of result.
, anyMatch
and noneMatch
terminal operations all take a Predicate
as an argument and compute a boolean
value from the application of the Predicate
to all objects emitted from the stream. The count
terminal operation counts the number of objects emitted from the stream.
The terminal operation collect
requires a special object that can aggregate the emitted objects into an output. Different options for such Collector
objects are explained in below. We discuss the remaining terminal operations in more detail in the following sections.Some terminal operations in the Stream
Method | Output | Description |
allMatch(Predicate<T> predicate) | boolean | is predicate true for all |
anyMatch(Predicate<T> predicate) | boolean | is predicate true for any |
count() | long | number of objects |
collect(Collector<T,A,R> collector) | R | aggregate using the collector |
findFirst() | Optional<T> | first object emitted |
forEach(Consumer<T> action) | void | perform action on all objects |
max(Comparator<T> comparator) | Optional<T> | maximum according to comparator |
min(Comparator<T> comparator) | Optional<T> | minimum according to comparator |
noneMatch(Predicate<T> predicate) | boolean | is predicate false for all |
reduce(BinaryOperator<T> accumulator) | Optional<T> | aggregate using the accumulator |
The forEach
terminal operation requires a Consumer
and feeds all objects emitted from the Stream
to this Consumer
. An example of a possible Consumer
is System.out::println
, which prints the objects to the standard out. Thus, the following code fragment
Stream.of("hello", "world", "via", "stream")
should print:
It is possible to have streams that omit no data at all. This can happen if we call stream()
on an empty Collection
, or if we use a filter
operation that is so strict that all objects are discarded from the stream. To deal with such situations in a neat way a new class Optional<T>
was introduced.
An object of type Optional<T>
either holds a single value of type T
, or is empty. As a consequence, rather than specifying a return type T
that may be null
if no suitable value can be returned, you can specify explicitly that a method may not always return a value by means of the Optional<T>
return type.
The most useful methods that are available for objects of the Optional
class are
public T get();
public void ifPresent(Consumer<T> action);
public boolean isPresent();
public T orElse(T alternative);
Here, the get()
method returns the value if a value is present, and throws an NoSuchElementException
if the Optional
is empty. The isPresent()
method can be used to check if an actual value is present. The ifPresent()
method has a Consumer
as argument and feeds the value contained in the Optional
to this Consumer
in the case a value is present. The orElse()
method will return the value stored in the Optional
if a value is present and return the argument if no value is present.
There are three static
methods in the Optional
class that we can use to obtain an Optional
object. These are:
public static <T> Optional<T> empty();
public static <T> Optional<T> of(T elem);
public static <T> Optional<T> ofNullable(T elem);
The method Optional.empty()
should be used to obtain an Optional
object which holds no value. The method Optional.of(x)
can be used to obtain an Optional
object that holds the value x
. However, if x
is null
, the call to Optional.of(x)
will throw anNullPointerException
. As an alternative we can use Optional.ofNullable(x)
, which returns an Optional
object that holds the value x
if it is not null
and Optional.empty()
if x
is equal to null
The following code example:
Optional<String> noValue = Optional.empty();
Optional<String> niceValue = Optional.of("hello world");
System.out.println(noValue.orElse("nothing here"));
System.out.println(niceValue.orElse("nothing here"));
will print:
, max
and min
The Stream
interface contains a number of terminal operations that return an Optional
The terminal operation findFirst
extracts a single element from the stream, and returns an Optional
containing that element. If it turns out the stream contains no objects at all, Optional.empty()
is returned.
The terminal operations max
and min
require a Comparator<T>
and will respectively return the maximum or minimum value emitted by the stream according to the order defined by the Comparator
. In case the stream contains no objects at all, these terminal operations also return Optional.empty()
For example, the following code:
Stream.of("hello", "i", "am", "here")
.filter(s -> s.length() > 2)
Stream.of("hello", "i", "am", "here")
Stream.of("hello", "i", "am", "here")
should print:
From our experience with mathematics we know a number of binary operators that have the associative property. A binary operator ⊕ is associative if for all possible a, b and c it holds that a ⊕ (b⊕c) = (a⊕b) ⊕ c
Common examples of binary operators with this property are +, ×, min and max . Binary operators that violate this property are −, ÷ and exponentiation.
If we have a set or vector of values, it is often useful to combine all these values into a single value using such an associative operator. The procedure of combining many values into a single value using the + operator is often denoted by the ∑ symbol, whereas this procedure based on the × operator is often denoted by the ∏ symbol.
The idea of the terminal operation reduce
is that it accepts a BinaryOperator
that is assumed to be associative and combines all the values that are emitted from the stream using this operator into a resulting value. Since it is possible that a stream emits no objects at all, the return type of reduce
is an Optional<T>
rather than T
, to indicate the possibility that there was no data to accumulate using the operator.
If no data is emitted by the stream, reduce
returns Optional.empty()
. In case a single element is emitted by a stream, the Optional
will contain this single element. If more data is emitted, the combination of all this data is returned.
List<Double> numbers = Arrays.asList(12.4, 7.9, 2.7);
Optional<Double> sum =
Optional<Double> max =
Optional<Double> max2 =
.filter(x -> x >= 50)
will print:
The Collectors
interface is the collect
operation, which requires an object of type Collector<T,A,R>
. A Collector<T,A,R>
collects objects of type T
from a Stream<T>
in an intermediate mutable accumulator object of type A
and converts this accumulator object into a final result of type R
that is ultimately returned by the collect()
method. While it is technically possible to implement your own Collector
objects, this is rarely necessary and we will not discuss how to do this in this course.Fortunately, Java 8 introduced a new class Collectors
that contains a number of useful static
methods that can produce Collector
objects for many use cases. This includes Collector
objects that collect all the objects in the stream in a List
, a Set
or even a Map
object, Collector
objects that can combine a stream of String
objects into a single String
, and even a Collector
that can partition the objects emitted by a Stream
into different categories. All these Collector
objects are discussed in the following sections.
, toSet
A common thing we may want to do with the objects that are emitted from a data processing pipeline, is to store all those objects into a Collection
object, such as a List
, a Set
. The Collectors class has the following methods than can help us achieve this:
public static <T> Collector<T,?,List<T>> toList()
public static <T> Collector<T,?,Set<T>> toSet()
The method Collectors.toList()
provides a Collector
object that collects the output of the stream into a List
object. Similarly the Collectors.toSet()
methods provides a Collector
object that collects the output of the stream into a Set
The following example code:
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Adrian", "Catherine", "John", "Mei", "Yousra");
List<String> longNames =
.filter(n -> n.length() >= 5)
Set<Integer> lengths =
will print:
Note that the order of elements in the set could vary.
of String
Every once in a while, you may consider to write a program that performs some reporting based on data that comes from a List
or other type of Collection
. In those cases, it may be desirable to convert all your objects to a String
in some way, and then separate these String
objects by for example the string ", "
. Implementing this in the traditional way is always a rather tedious exercise, as the code typically looks as follows:
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Achmed", "Catherine", "John", "Mei", "Yousra");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String name : names) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
first = false;
What makes this code cumbersome, is the fact that we explicitly need to check if we should insert the separator or not.
The Collectors
class provides two useful methods that can help us in situations like these:
public static Collector<String,?,String> joining()
public static Collector<String,?,String> joining(String delimiter)
public static Collector<String,?,String> joining(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix)
The Collector
produced by Collectors.joining()
concatenates the String
objects emitted by the Stream
. The Collector
produced by Collectors.joining(", ")
concatenates the String
objects emitted by the Stream
separated by ", "
. Finally, the Collector
produced by Collectors.joining(", ", "[", "]")
results in a String
that begins with a [
followed by the String
objects from the Stream
separated by ", "
and a ]
symbol at the end.
The following example code:
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Adrian", "Catherine", "John", "Mei", "Yousra");
String concat =
String concatSep =
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
String concatAll =
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "[", "]"));
will print:
and groupingBy
Another useful kind of output that we may want to produce from the objects emitted by a stream is a Map
. The Collectors
class contains a number of methods that can produce a Map
object, of which the following are most interesting.
public static Collector<T,?,Map<K,List<T>>> groupingBy(Function<T,K> classifier);
public static Collector<T,?,Map<K,V>> toMap(Function<T,K> keyMapper, Function<T,V> valueMapper);
Remember that a Map<K,V>
holds a set of key objects of type K
and that each key is associated with a value. The method Collectors.toMap()
requires two Function
objects, of which the first function should convert the objects emitted from the stream to an object that will be used as a key value in the output Map
and the second function should transform those objects in the associated value. As it could happen that multiple objects from the stream result in the same key object, the Collector
produced by toMap()
can throw an IllegalStateException
if it encounters the same key more than once.
An alternative Collector
that produces a Map
as output can be obtained by calling the Collectors.groupingBy()
method. This method requires a single Function<T,K>
that converts the objects of type T
emitted from the stream to key values of type K
. The output map has type Map<K,List<T>>
. The Collector
object groups all objects that share the same key value in the List<T>
associated with that key in the output map. This is very useful, as it allows you to partition the objects from a stream into List
s based on a property of those objects.
When the following example code is executed:
Course c1 = new Course(22012,2019,"Programming","Bouman", 4);
Course c2 = new Course(22012,2018,"Programming","Bouman", 4);
Course c3 = new Course(11013,2019,"ICT","Bouman",4);
Course c4 = new Course(22002,2019,"Combinatorial Optimization","van den Heuvel",4);
List<Course> courses = Arrays.asList(c1, c2, c3, c4);
Function<Course,String> keyFunction = c -> c.getCourseName()+" "+c.getCourseYear();
Function<Course,String> valueFunction = Course::getTeacher;
Map<String,String> map =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(keyFunction, valueFunction));
Map<String,List<Course>> coursesPerTeacher;
coursesPerTeacher =
System.out.println(coursesPerTeacher.get("van den Heuvel"));
the following should be printed:
Further Reading
The documentation of the
package contains an in-depth treatise of the design and terminology related to the Stream API.
Test your knowledge
In this quiz, you can test your knowledge on the subjects covered in this chapter.
Write some code that does the following:
- Create an empty
- Create an
that holds the number 42 - A method
that accepts anOptional<Integer>
and returns anInteger
0 if the givenOptional<Integer>
is empty and double the value asInteger
if it is non-empty.
Again, consider the Course
class we introduced earlier:
public class Course {
// Instance variables and constructors omitted
public long getCourseNumber() { ... }
public int getCourseYear() { ... }
public String getCourseName() { ... }
public double getEcts() { ... }
public String getTeacher() { ... }
Suppose we have a variable List<Course> courses
containing objects for all courses taught at a University in
the recent past. Use the Stream
API to write code that solves each of the following data analysis tasks
in a single statement (one declaration and one statement per task).
- Compute a
containing the names of all courses. - Compute a
of unique teachers that have taught courses in the year 2015. - Compute a
containing the names of all courses separated by commas. Course names should be repeated if a course was taught multiple times. - Print a line with the course year using
for every year a course with the name"Programming"
was taught. - Compute a
that indicates whether all courses with the name"Programming"
where taught by a teacher with name"Bouman"
. - Compute a
that provides a list of the courses taught by a teacher with name"Bouman"
per year.